Carols on Helvellyn - Carmine de Grandis

Carols on Helvellyn - Carmine de Grandis

Now an annual tradition SCARPA Athlete Carmine de Grandis is once again leading Christmas Carols on Helvellyn.

On Sunday 22nd December - Carmine and his band of merry men and women will climb Helvellyn - with his accordion in toe and sing Christmas Carols at the Summit.

Everyone is invited to join in the festive fun at the top.

As well as having a fun day out and spreading some festive cheer - Carmine is also raising money for Climbers against Cancer.

Key Details:

Sunday 22nd December at 12pm

Helvellyn Summit

Meet at Glenridding Car Park at 9.30am or make your own way to the top

This event is organised by volunteers and you are responsible for your own safety. 

"Over the last four years a crazy idea has become one of the highlights of my running: Christmas Carols on Helvellyn, possibly the highest in England.
I find that the mountains have always helped me come to terms with grief. When I lost my dad to cancer, I'd often go to the mountains and remember him. He loved accordion music and whenever he came to the UK (I am Italian) at Christmas, he loved the tradition of Christmas Carols being sung outdoors under Christmas trees.
Many of us find solace in the mountains. Some of us call them "our Church" or place of spiritual healing and connection. So I had the idea that it would be lovely to run or hike to the top of an iconic mountain before Christmas and sing carols together with like minded people - that year the BBC had voted Helvellyn the favourite UK hike, a must do -. I spoke about it to friends who live in the Lakes and with their help, both to advertise and support those who wanted to run or hike up together, we have started this wonderful tradition.
The most amazing thing is that the event is a fundraiser for an amazing charity, Climber Against Cancer (CAC). The charity raises funds to support organisation which are trying to find a cure for Cancer.
If you can join us, see you to sing Carols at the top of Helvellyn on Sunday, 22nd December at 12 0'clock. Bring yourself, your voice, an instrument, some cookies or mulled wine to be together and share in the Christmas love.
This is not a religious event. We sing mostly Christmas Carols and festive tunes, but every one is welcome. Our objectives are: to experience joy and hope, be together as a community and RAISE LOTS AND LOTS OF NEEDED FUNDS TO GET RID OF CANCER ONCE AND FOR ALL! It's the season to be jolly, la la la... don't forget to bring your brolly! la, la, la...
Keep an eye on @outdoorspirit1 and @mountainaccordionman or facebook for weather updates - in case we need to change plans for safety concerns -. If you would like to join us in hiking up to the top you can let us know by emailing
This year we will have a raffle for all those who donate to support our chosen Charity. You will be able to win a pair of Scarpa trail running shoes and many more gifts.