Find A Retailer
To get the best out of your SCARPA shoes and boots, we recommend getting expert fitting from one of our specially trained retailers. You can use this page to search for retailers in a specific area or search for shops that stock certain products by using the search function below. We've made every effort to ensure the below info is accurate, but we'd still suggest contacting any retailers to see that they have a particular product in stock before making any a journey.
What is a SCARPA Pro Shop?
SCARPA is privileged to have exceptional strong support from our retailer network. However given the breadth of categories and sheer volume of styles and colour, it can sometimes be a challenge to find what your looking for in store. The SCARPA Pro shop concept was created to offer regional centres of excellence, that support the widest range of product possible and crucially sizing depth. If your looking for that illusive half or more extreme size, these are the retailers to visit. In addition to the extensive ranges, these stores are working with us on “direct stock feed” so we guarantee they will be best stocked stores in the land. Staff in the stores have received expert training and many of them have visited our Italian factory to experience first hand, just what makes our crafted product so special.
Pro shop retailers, have various category specialties, The Climbers Shop and Joe Brown’s span a wide variety including Approach, Lifestyle, Trek, Mountain and Climb. We always recommend checking the retailers range on line or phoning ahead before traveling.